WANTED: Standard TTE pulley...
WANTED: Standard TTE pulley...
Does anyone have a standard TTE supercharger pulley that they either do not want, are willing to sell or would like to swap for a Stage 1 uprated pulley?
We have a car here that has the stage 1 upgrade but the customer wishes to return most of the car back to standard prior to selling it before he emigrates, leaving the TTE supercharger system in place.
I would be interested , but what is needed once you swap them over , as in would you need it mapped straight away ??
i recon you will and bigger injectors, im maxed out on my stock ones with standard pully.
You wouldn't need it mapped straight away but I would be staying away from full throttle until it is.
i am defo, what would we do? send next days as i cant really run with out boost.