IS200 Wont start/Bad misfire
IS200 Wont start/Bad misfire
Hey all I'm new to the form. I bought an is200 with the head gone. it wouldn't start before i did the rebuild either same problem. it wants to and sometimes fires into life just. with my foot plouged to the floor if i take my foot off the gas it stalls. I have had the head totally rebuilt new everything spark plugs and second hand injectors. I pulled the fuel pump out and put a live feed on it it works but doesn't seem to suck or give any signs of forcing fuel etc and i cant hear it when ignition is switched on? could it be the pump given up?
I'd check the relay, I think it's the circuit opening one that powers the fuel pump
a simple way is to get someone turn the car on and have your fingers on the relay to see if it moves.
But to test it properly you need to take it out and check it works on 12v and the contacts have continuity.
Ok so iv ruled out the fuel pump for now as its getting fuel to the injectors. What i did was i unplugged 1 coil and cranked it and it was trying to start as usual with no change which leads me to think i got a few bad coils? as before I done the rebuild i read the codes and it came up with p0301 and p0305 but cleared them silly me. since clearing them the car hasnt run no did it previous to clearing the codes so hasnt given the ecu chance to refind the faults so have i got a case of a few bad coils??
Take each coil out and turn the car over, see if your getting a spark
It's not something silly like a bad lamba sensor or a cat breaking down.
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Ok so after tons of research I've finaly found that my timing was out by 180 degrees as I lined up the bottom crank with the first mark on the pully not with the correct second mark. So its cams off tomorrow, set bottom end then refit the cams tdc and hopefully job done!