Read this and couldnt believe it:
what you guys think? do you all think this is "disgusting" or the woman has no sense of humour...i think she has no sense of humor...even if i was ginger or i had ginger kids...
I can't believe she complained about it..........but I guess it depends on how you look at it - maybe gingers think that being "gingerist" is the same as being a racist, in which case that joke would be in bad taste :tongue_smilie:
parthiban I can't believe she complained about it..........but I guess it depends on how you look at it - maybe gingers think that being "gingerist" is the same as being a racist, in which case that joke would be in bad taste :tongue_smilie:
parthiban I can't believe she complained about it..........but I guess it depends on how you look at it - maybe gingers think that being "gingerist" is the same as being a racist, in which case that joke would be in bad taste :tongue_smilie:
Haha, I think gingers have an inferiority complex built in from birth from the continuous abuse :biggrin:
Ok I'm gonna stop now so I don't offend any gingers either (or should I say people with ginger hair).........
There are plenty of cards making fun of someone being older on their birthday. Should all these cards be removed for being ageist ?
Unfortunately I think that Tesco were misguided printing the card as it does make out that people with Ginger hair are inferior to others. They should have realised it would cause offense.
While taking the **** out of a mate with Red hair is fine (I do it all the time, they call me fat) - I don't really think Tesco should really be printing cards about it as they are supposed to be a responsible retailer. They'd not be allowed to print cards taking the mick out of fat people or old people so they really shouldnt print cards about red headed people.
I in no way think that it is disgusitng but I do think the mum was within her rights to complain. Unfortunately people in general are no longer able to make fun of themselves which really is a bad thing - but we should be sensitive to other people's feelings I suppose.
And no those who havent met me I'm not ginger - I have dark hair :p