Possibly a bit of a dumb question, but...
Possibly a bit of a dumb question, but...
...where in the boot does your jack live?
I have a middle of the boot kit thingy that holds most of the bits, including spanners etc, but there's nowhere on that for the jack to sit. On either side of that (i.e. the far left and far right of the boot) I have open spaces through which I can see the metal of the boot...
Is there supposed to be something in one of these spaces, that I can properly set the jack into, or am I doomed to hear the flipping thing rattling about forevermore?
If all else fails I'll use one of the straps in the boot proper to hold it and keep it still, but I do wonder if (like so many things in life :lol I'm missing something here...
Ok silly billy its in the boot on the passenger side , when you lift up the boot liner.
You place the jack lying down on its side and open it up a bit till it jams in place . inbetween the bracket
Yep as above, open it slightly so it clamps between the bracket