Another rear light on ebay.
Another rear light on ebay.
This one looks like the darker one to me but I could be wrong again:confused1:
That does look like the dark one, but reflections can be deceptive, so if it were me I'd want to confirm this for sure.
I'll give you a fiver for the pair :wink:
Fry-Up give us a shout when a driver's side satin one comes up
Fry-Up give us a shout when a driver's side satin one comes up
There are three types of rear light as I understand it. The earliest ones were shiny chrome, then later there were satin chrome ones, then later there were darker ones.
This one looks like a dark one to me, but as has been pointed out, you really do need to check with the seller for sure, e.g. get some better pictures that are taken straight on into the lens and with good lighting.