Front Dome light removal?
Front Dome light removal? the cover off and bulb out so...what sorta bulbs can this bulb be replaced by?
I've never seen a bulb go like this before btw...its got a mad marble like pattern on it lol. not ur typical dark patch.
I'd preferably want to upgrade from the standard bulb but not sure which one to go for tbh...seeing as its a bayonet fitment wouldnt it be a bit difficult to get an LEd one to work effectively tho seeing as the light only goes in one direction?
ahh right cool. which one of those arrays would u recommend mate? i had a quick look on ebay but there aint much there tbh.
I changed out both the IS & the RX for LED with dome light attachments have a look through ebay beware the prices can vary dramaticaly. Measure the space you have then find the number of LED's on a prefixed pad to suit makes a huge diference to the interior lighting. Something along these lines work well