Finally have a date for Operation
Finally have a date for Operation
Hi All,
Just a quick one to keep everyone in the loop!
Finally after weeks of waiting today was the last day that the NHS had to get back to me with a date for my Heart Operation and guess what no letter :Chair:
To say i was fed up is an understatement! I am getting soooo tired now all the time its just unreal. I go to work and try and work but need to sit down nearly every hour or so to catch my breath and then at the end of the day i go home and im pretty much ready to fall asleep!
I decided to phone them up this morning and after going from department to department finally got directed to the right place. All the doctors where in a meeting so was told they would call back. She did say that there was no date confirmed over the phone so i would be looking at another 2-3 weeks at the least!
Well they just called back and have said they have a time available on the 10th of February (i will go in on the 9th) and i have accepted as if i wait any longer i feel i really will be in trouble!
The sooner i get my life back to normal the better!!!
excellent news mate,
all the best with it
I hope all goes well mate.
Nice one mate. I am sure everything will be fine and you will recover in no time at all.
yer good luck with that..... maybe you can get them to fit a charger while there in there with your bonnet no just playing.. but good luck and hope you are back on your feet soon