Number plates on photos
Number plates on photos
Timbo great pics stevie and if you can show the plates and just hide the rest of my car till I get some work done on it would be grateful tnx
Timbo great pics stevie and if you can show the plates and just hide the rest of my car till I get some work done on it would be grateful tnx
the way i look at it is if someone is going to copy my car reg it more likly to happen when parked up in a car park then thm go looking throw 100s of pics on the net.
Who said to hide them???
Also the other problem is show plates are getting harder and harder to get hold of now.
An old mate of mine makes plates and they will not even mate me a set because all the backing are supplied with the number for them and if they are court making illegal plates (which show plates are) they get a big fine.
Also if someone want to know the plate of your car and there are show plates on they will just knock it off whilst looking or hang around wait for you to go and get the plate.
garyskisplym Who said to hide them???
garyskisplym Who said to hide them???
steviewevie Club management.
steviewevie Club management.
I wasn't going to bother replying any more to this thread, but I thought I would try and help Gary out by telling him where the request/suggestion/demand/order/etc had come from. Sorry to hear you have misinterpreted this.
Originally Posted by garyskisplym
Who said to hide them???
Club management.
your post makes out the club have dictated you must edit the pictures when this is not correct.
The suggestion was made at Jap fest based on talks with other companies. your interpretation of the suggestion keeps coming back to you saying we have told members to edit the photo's which is wrong.
Originally Posted by garyskisplym
Who said to hide them???
Club management.
Asked ? Told ? Sorry but I don't see a big difference.
Gary asked "Who said to hide them". Someone at Japfest "said" to edit them out. I didn't get into whether the person "asked" or "told" us. It was emphasised pretty strongly though at the time (not sure if you were directly listening to the words that were used or not). I never said anywhere we were "ordered" to edit them. But we were asked to, by club management.
If club management made a polite request to the members, do you not think it would be a bit rude/unreasonable for members not to follow this request ? I do.
We were not told at the meeting "it's up to you, you can edit them if you like, or you can leave them". We were clearly asked (I never said ordered) to edit them.
This is getting pretty silly now.
I'll chip in,
If car owners showing their cars to the public, at a public show do not want their number plates displayed in photo's on the internet, they should purchase show plates or remove road plates.
I do not think OJC could be blamed for displaying car reg numbers for cloning,
I sugest closing deleting this thread, and putting a disclaimer on the club homepage / somewhere on the forum that if attending meets & having pic's taken or posting photo's of their own car showing reg numbers is at owners risk.
Would this clear this matter up in future???
Quote:One thing you may want to consider (having browsed your website) – for the member car features, I would encourage your members to be coy about displaying their registration plates. We work with other classifieds and enthusiasts websites, and it isn’t unknown for criminal elements to pinch registration numbers for cloning purposes. The more information available easily, the greater the opportunity for someone to misuse the data.
Your right steve this is getting silly,
The club made a request to help protect members and there cars from car related crimes this suggestion had come from sources outside the club. based on what an automotive professional body have advised the club.
it is up to the members if they wish to edit the photos, at the end of they its up to the individuals.
i could be wrong but prior to this many members possibly including yourself (without checking but can do if you wish) have edited number plates out of photos in the past now that its been recommended by HPI and others you seem to have an objection.
see this extract from HPI's Suggestion
Quote:One thing you may want to consider (having browsed your website) – for the member car features, I would encourage your members to be coy about displaying their registration plates. We work with other classifieds and enthusiasts websites, and it isn’t unknown for criminal elements to pinch registration numbers for cloning purposes. The more information available easily, the greater the opportunity for someone to misuse the data.