O rings on water pump.
O rings on water pump.
How easy are the O rings to change on the water pump I think I have a very slight leak from them, is it worth just changing the whole thing or just the rings? also how long would it take a competent mech to change the water pump?
to change it i think you have to take the cambelt off.
look on bahamutcars for the workshop guide to see whats needed
Yes mate you have to take the belt off, I can't see it taking more than an hour/hour and a half to do though with the right tools and knowledge.
Pretty sure you don't need to remove the waterpump to change the o rings, as it is on the side of the engine and all you need is a 10mm socket to undo the 2 bolts.
Replacement 0 rings and by pass pipe is about £20 from Lexus, I think? Will have to dig out an old invoice to confirm.
Where exactly is it on the engine then Kam so I can make sure it's defo from there.
Cheers so what am I looking for I know where the pump is but can't really see much else around it.