Coilovers vs. Lowing Springs
Coilovers vs. Lowing Springs
Coilovers all day long... Seeing as Youl mash your standard shocks... As on coilOvers the springrate is matched to the damper rate... Or made to work with in their ranges... Depending on what coilovera you get you can have adjustable dampers and there pretty handy depending on how you drive and you can tailor it to your tastes... But I recommend once you've chosen a height etc get a alignment done
mate theirs tenzo springs on ebay the now which lower the car 50mm and thats for the sport the newer one so it will lower your spec even more......
i say coilovers too but get springs and save up for a year or so and get coilovers
Sparkystav Lowering springs, pretty much only do that, lower the car.
Your stressing the standard shocks buy running them with different springs and over a different range.
With coilovers their fully designed for different ranges and tensions etc.
If its just for the look then go with Springs, for handling improvements as well save up for coilovers.
Sparkystav Lowering springs, pretty much only do that, lower the car.
Your stressing the standard shocks buy running them with different springs and over a different range.
With coilovers their fully designed for different ranges and tensions etc.
If its just for the look then go with Springs, for handling improvements as well save up for coilovers.
you copycat Mike :p.. I have teins on my supe too lol
I'm not sure why everyone is saying that lowering springs are just for looks. When I had my IS I was running Eibach springs before I added my ARBs and they made a considerable handling difference. The car dived under braking and acceleration less and the the initial roll into corners was much reduced all giving a better handling balance. I also found the Eibach's had a very similar ride quality to standard.
Yes the springs will put more stress on your shocks but you can buy a new pair of KYB Excel Gs for just over £100 (and yes you can replace in pairs) when they go. Combined with the ARBs you will get a very good handling car without the harshness of coilies.
I am with edeath on this one and I am glad that ed was the first to defend lowering springs as i did not want to appear to be an un-knowledgeable rebel.
In my opinion is why will they put more stress on the shocks, all it does is make the stroke of the damper less, there is no more weight, no more load,
Less piston stroke equals less movement in damper so internal parts in reality shouls last longer.
Ok if like peeps say it puts more stress on dampers then hey, how long does the average owner keep his car for before he sells it, the car is involved in an accident or you mod it again, I bet any of these scenarios happen long before your lowered shocks get knackered.
Just my humble opinion and none of the above posts would sway me away from fitting lowering springs, the only reason I have not done my sportscross yet is I cant be naffed in this cold weather
I agree with just getting springs as I said in my post the only reason I have mentioned coilovers is due to him saying will I go for springs now and coilovers later,I ran lowering springs for over a year and I was happy with the ride and handling as the comfort didn't change much..
The only real benefit to running coilovers is theirs so much adjustment on them.