Jimbobs Lexus IS200 Turbo!
Jimbobs Lexus IS200 Turbo!
That's one problem sorted! Not sure what to do about the tps, not sure if there's a way to reprogram the standard ecu to the new tps voltages? Maybe Matt knows?
I think I may go with the standard intake for the time being I can't see noway of doing it there is slight voltage changes between the tps and aps which means both need to be mount because you can't piggy back! The micro switch won't do the idle been trying that today the ecu checks for a voltage when it's not in idle lol
The only way I can see of doing it is to have a standalone
Then standalone it should be lol
I can't afford that for a while this project has killed me so far I need fun driving now lol in the future I will get the standalone just gonna be a few months mate
You could use inj7 own the emanage to power a relay that sends the 5v signal to the idle switch? That way you could program it in the ecu software if it allows?
You morelikely could but the 5v signal changes like the vta signal at idle it is grounded but then when it is not on idle the voltage varies and the ecu uses this to check for problems with the tps you need to some hove the 2 position sensors mounted to provide the to slightly different voltages but they are also are not inline with each cant think of the word eg vta = 0.9 and vta2= 2.2v but when vta goes up to 1.4v vta2 could be 3v
I can't see anyway of producing these signals without using the original position sensors
Bit of a spill do you see what I'm saying?
I kind of do yes, could go radical and fit two throttle cables, one to the standard throttle body stashed somewhere, one to the actual throttlebody.
Lol would be radical but an idea mate like I say it's I'm gonna get the standard on so I can use her but got to devise a plan so I can get that shiny intake on!!!
Well set the boost cut on the greddy today and powered the A/F gauge but when i turn her over she ticks over 20-30 secs till the ecu sees the position sensor errors so gonna get the old inlet and throttle body back on over the weekend till i can sort away of doing it so she runs and i can get a basic low boost map setup going on