Company Laptop query
Company Laptop query
this is true, and ill be honest i've looked,
but even spending like £100 on something other than my savings fund can put me back 2-3 months ic ant save alot unfortunately due to the lexus sucking me dry on fuel
jimxms Mr IT administrator can do better than that surely
I counter your attack with a portable version of Firefox :p
toxo I counter your feeble attempts with SRP :p
toxo ...or even a corporate UTM solution which only allows preapproved apps TCP/IP access
toxo I counter your feeble attempts with SRP :p
toxo ...or even a corporate UTM solution which only allows preapproved apps TCP/IP access
jimxms Super Resin Polish :confused:
What ya trying to do, buff my kung fu out? :p
jimxms Super Resin Polish :confused:
What ya trying to do, buff my kung fu out? :p
I'm in the forces and we can still get access to certain web pages they block anything to do with pOrn betting gaming and auction sites but things like OJC and shopping like amazon is fine so I can't see it being a complete block on things