Melted my headlight in the oven :(
Melted my headlight in the oven :(
Sorry but if you cant cook you should have asked your Mum to do it for you :lol::lol:
Karl, Karl, Karl... What was the ONE THING I warned you to be most careful about?????????
It doesn't look TOO bad, but you might want to make sure it's as sealed as it can be and then mask off the light and spray the grey bit black or something. Or as Rory suggested get another light off eBay and redo it?
Doesn't look to bad but if your wanting to change it hers one on e-bay.
(I heated at 120 degrees rather than 150 when I opened mine, I gave up as i'm lazy tho so just squeezed mine back together)
I still think my comment was very funny, and cant believe no one thinks so.
We must all be getting old and boring on here now !!!