Supercharged Lexus IS200 SE
Supercharged Lexus IS200 SE
i would say use a hairdryer, heat guns are too much for it really and just start to melt it.
its very plyable when u add a little heat and can be wrapped around bends and corners fairly easy.
as you can see i did have my mirrors done and the only reason i took it off was a change of colour scheme
yeah let me know mate theres plenty of sellers on ebay for a pretty decent price
Well im happy with that, ordered some more parts for the kit just a few days ago and some have already arrived.
Imoressed with the postage from those sellers thats for sure
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Well over the last few weeks/months ive been getting together my charger kit.
With work and family ive not really had chance to get it fitted or start fitting bits.
But finally time was free so started fitting it and its fair to say pipe work is a nightmare of a job.
Buts heres some pics of it going in
Last jobs to finish off are the bypass just need to finish plumbing that in.
And the blackbox needs wiring in and then hopefully it should be all up and boosting
And yes the belt is fitted and so is the pulley and it runs and turns fine also tested the charger clutch no vibration at all and runs sweet as anything
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Well last parts should be here next few days and then testing can begin
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk