Supercharged Lexus IS200 SE
Supercharged Lexus IS200 SE
Cheers dude yeah always a great event this one and we had a good selection of cars on stand which always makes us stand out. Think we had the largest Jap only stand in the show
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Think mines due soon as well, best check lol
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Well got some new sub box carpet as the stuff I had was horrid.
Out came the box and whilst sat in the living room I wrapped the box
I also did the inside section for amps
Will upload a picture later but it looks alot better that's for sure
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well not alots really been going on with the car as most of my time has been spent getting the landrover on the road which it now is.
so back to the Lex, well i finally fitted a Bov to work along side my Bypass for the Charger makes a nice tone and slowly sorting the pipework and trying to tide it up, plus the Bov is shiney.
also prior to Japshow i purchased Stavs side skirts from him the very rare set in Plastic so a little bit of sanding them down and they will be off to paint and have them fitted before JAE.
at the same time i purchased Jims Toyosport Decat Manifold off him which Rabster along with the other Parts delivered up to me (so huge thanks to him)
just need to remove the charger and replace the manifold and then i have a full decat system with toyosport decat Mani, Decat and Japspeed Cat back i think shes gonna be loud.
Damm you pat I wanted them skirts , will all the exhaust and decats release some more power?
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im hoping so the only part that is currently standard is the Mani so still have Pre cats.
im also looking at upping the pulley size to either 145mm or 150mm hearing different version of what else you need to run the bigger, some are saying you can do it just with 1ZZ injectors and Black Box others say you need to run uprated fuel pump and start thinking about ecu as well