Brake Disks Gone Weard ?
Brake Disks Gone Weard ?
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Hope we can help
All disks can warp but are these a cheap set of disks?
That's what this forum is here for, helping each other out ! :biggrin:
That doesn't look good though. You said the caliper looks ok, but what have you checked on that ? Have you checked if it gets hot after a run compared to the other side, e.g. it might be sticking ?
Might be worth getting the runout on that disc checked by a garage, they can check how warped it is (they use a tool to measure how uneven it is).
Have you still got any sort of warranty on those discs ?
Hiya sweety nice to see you on here again we've missed you :thumbup1:
That does look a bit odd and to me i'd say warped disc's due to it only wearing away on a certain point/half the disc? Another option would be to take the disc off and make sure the rear of the disc is sitting right on the hub(nice and flat?) :biggrin:
' Nothing feels quick when your other car has a 1000bhp - JamieP
Quote:A Supra without a spoiler is like a Gypsy's dog without a Nob.
I may have dreamt this but i swear i've read/seen something somewhere about the rotordiscs warping easily
' Nothing feels quick when your other car has a 1000bhp - JamieP
Quote:A Supra without a spoiler is like a Gypsy's dog without a Nob.