Brakes - more problems
Brakes - more problems
To add to my annoyance level from the mild judder I get on and off under braking, I now have a couple of new problems.
Firstly, when moving really slowly with light pressure on the brakes (in a traffic jam for example) my brakes are squealing. This is incredibly annoying as it seems to occur at exactly the pressure you need to apply when in a jam........
Second problem, again a slow speed braking issue - this is more occasional, not really sure how to explain it but when rolling forward at slow speed (less than 5mph) on the brakes the car seems to judder along.
Any ideas as to what could be the cause of these problems?
Automatics can be more prone to build-up on the discs (isn't warped discs, but can feel like it), since with hot brakes you hold the car on the brakes in traffic, and you can get an uneven build-up on the surface of the disc. Don't know if this might be a factor ?
Lexusboy First sounds like dust on the brakes
Seconded Do you have warb discs?
steviewevie Automatics can be more prone to build-up on the discs (isn't warped discs, but can feel like it), since with hot brakes you hold the car on the brakes in traffic, and you can get an uneven build-up on the surface of the disc. Don't know if this might be a factor ?
Lexusboy First sounds like dust on the brakes
Seconded Do you have warb discs?
steviewevie Automatics can be more prone to build-up on the discs (isn't warped discs, but can feel like it), since with hot brakes you hold the car on the brakes in traffic, and you can get an uneven build-up on the surface of the disc. Don't know if this might be a factor ?
I don't really know, but a disc run-out test should show if there are any problems. Lexus wouldn't necessarily have done a run-out test the last time it was in there (which measures if the surface is even or not). Skimming may well fix it *if* that's the problem.
Lexusboy If you jet wash the brakes with the nozzle on spray rather than full power this should clear the dust for a few days.
It sounds like you have the same problems with dust build up as most.
Lexusboy If you jet wash the brakes with the nozzle on spray rather than full power this should clear the dust for a few days.
It sounds like you have the same problems with dust build up as most.
steviewevie I don't really know, but a disc run-out test should show if there are any problems. Lexus wouldn't necessarily have done a run-out test the last time it was in there (which measures if the surface is even or not). Skimming may well fix it *if* that's the problem.
steviewevie I don't really know, but a disc run-out test should show if there are any problems. Lexus wouldn't necessarily have done a run-out test the last time it was in there (which measures if the surface is even or not). Skimming may well fix it *if* that's the problem.
You need to try and find a garage you can trust to tell you the truth - i.e. who won't just tell you "you need 4 new discs" no matter what the run-out test produces. So that's the usual issue with garages, finding a decent one.