parking problem 4 pensioner
parking problem 4 pensioner
some of you may know i have reason to doubt the driving/parking skills of some elderly drivers-this one,s a bit special
i know i know - i read the dm too much ! one way to exit a bank though
yh, i thought that aswell?
I've got to question the construction of that wall if the car has really popped out with little damage to it............
But pretty silly incident - I think all pensioners should get free parking sensors and maybe that radar brake system might help too. Having said that though this did happen in america, where age isn't necessarily the factor - how many stupid incidents have we seen with young and fit americans :tongue_smilie:
Marsdendean looks a little fake, and that must be a quick merc looking at those exhausts!
Marsdendean looks a little fake, and that must be a quick merc looking at those exhausts!
I have done quite a few driving assesents of elderly drivers and lets just say, they are the one's that not only have the most problems in terms of car controll, but they scare me whitless. You'd be suprised how many of them when driving an automatic try slowing down by pushing the accelerator and brake at the same time, panic, then move their foot across to the accelerator and accidently floor it. In my Micra which has a dual brake fitted is a very easy thing to controll, however, in a Merc C class, and by looking at the two big exhausts has a fair amount of low down grunt, is going to punch a hole through anything in this circumstance.
There comes a time in life when you have to put your hands up and say that driving is too much. Yes, there is a loss of independence to a certain extent, but better that than to hit a small child and kill them when going "flat out" when in reverse.
Compulsary assesments by an approved driving instructor anually over the age of 65, in my opinion is the best way to help with this.
Don't get me wrong though, there are alot of competant elderly drivers out there. One guy I know is over 80 years old, drives a Golf R32, and can drive it to RoSPA Gold standard. He really knows what he's doing, but, he's also happy in the knowledge that when it's time to give up his keys, he's more than happy to do so.
Compulsary assesment and training of everyone, not just the over 65's is the key.