My Lexus IS
My Lexus IS
The story so far, copied and pasted from another forum:thumbup1:
Well guys most of you know the car but thought i d do this anyway.
Hopefully gonna be makin a few changes before f+m this year but all shall be revealed later :wink:
So lets start with how i got the car,
Then after a wee play
So after bein off the road for the best part of 2 months waitin for the bonnet :roll: the car comes back
And changed the wiper arms as well
old ones
New ones 8)
rear upper strut brace 8) just an ebay jobbie but does the trick
decided to ditch the nice comfy heated leather drivers seat and get myself a bride. While i was at it got a takatta harness from martin too cheers
Not in the best nick but for the price i m well chuffed, cheers to ketch for makin the brackets up
Got myself some nice under braces at a bargain price from the lexus forum, notice a wee difference in steering and the back ends alot tighter as well, quality name to!
Before fitting them
Then during fitting on the expert jack
And some more pics i ve got
Had to do some maintanence on the car this month, had to replace the radiator as its been dribbling, new oil and filter as i ve been meaning to do it for months lol
Aso thought i better change the rear discs and pads
So a wee call to Yarass and he sorted me out with some new discs and a set of Red stuff pads
Wee lick of black hammerite on the centers and jobs done
And to finish off the interuor picked up a set of second hand matts nice and cheap and pretty good condition to
An update of sorts i suppose, not the best tho :crybaby:
About 6 weeks ago the car was parked in its normal place outside the house when i heard a crunch. I pop outside to find that my neighbor across the street had reversed into my rear quarter!(not parked in the same place as where the pictures were taken)
At first did nt think the damage was too bad, until i took it too a body shop, the rough quote was around the 2k mark. So all went thru the insurance.
The cars still there just now waiting on the rear lights arriving from the states! Been to see the car and the work is top class. Had a few other bits done while the car was there. The front arches have been slightly rolled as they started rubbing and the dodgy coloured other quarter has been fixed too.(Look further up and you ll see a side view of the drivers side and you ll see what i mean!)
Now on a seperate note, anyone used Accident Exchange before? Thats whose dealing with all the work and the claim for repairs. They ve given me a courtesy car till mine is fixed, got a 58 plate IS220D SE! So cool!lol
Keep them in mind for any non fault accidents guys, dont have to tell your insurance company so saves your no claims! :winky:
Got myself a b&m short shifter. Bit of nightmare to fit but got there in the end.
Love this! Best mod to date i think, highly recommend you get one.
Decided to give the engine bay a wee freshen up so wipped off the vvti cover, cam belt cover and the other wee one(dunno what to call it!lol)
Gave them a really good clean with some warm soappy water and then a light sand
Then some of primer followed by white paint, no pictures in primer as it was a white primer.
While i was waiting for these to dry gave the manifold covers a clean then painted with black barbeque paint.
Really chuffed with how these came out
Back onto the covers few coats of lacquer and there done.
And all back on the car
Fitted some led number plate lights
Done some other jobs but no pics :crybaby:
36 led interior dome light, gives some great light much better than the standard.
And a new set of red stuff pads and discs for the front.
Fitted my TTE rad panel
Grom i-pod adaptor, love this
A set of bosch aero twin wiper blades
Next a set of homemade tinted side repeaters
Then i spent the day cleaning the car.
Gave it a good going over with the clay bar, then some poorboys ss2, followed by a coat of poor boys dark show glaze and finished with some P22 wax
Looks good mate,
No progress with the Turbo kit then?